Friday, September 12, 2008

It Still Feels Good

After 10 years of marriage...."It Still Feels Good."!!!! Yes, that's a Rascal Flatts song,and, oh so true. 10 years ago, Jim and I walked down that aisle, and I'd do it all again. To commemerate the special event, I thought I'd share with you bloggers some wedding pics. Hopefully, I will get a new pic, to do a "then and now" for ya'all.
Here's how it started, a mutual friend had introduced us, back in the Spring of '03. I was with someone else (we won't go there, now) for three years, and ready to get out of that miserable relationship. Jim came to my rescue. We started dating and it got serious, fast. I knew he was going to be the one. After two years he proposed, on my birthday. I was sick, we were leaving for work, and he got down and asked me to marry him. Even though, I new it was coming, it was all the sweetest thing. After four years of being together, we finally walked down the aisle. It was September 12, 1998, and I can still remember it, like it was yesterday. It rained in the morning, briefly, then got humid and sunny. Temps were in the low 80's, all in all a beautiful day. Aside from misplacing the marriage license (another long post lol), it was the perfect day. Until this day, people still talk about what a GREAT reception we had! If I could re-live the day, I would! It was amazing then, and is still amazing now. I wouldn't change any of it, for the world. Now, I have everything one could ask for. A wonderful husband, two beautiful children, a house, a job, and plenty of good friends. Life is great and as my grandmother quoted, "I have been blessed". Thank you God, for it all!
I can't wait to see what adventures the next 10 years will bring!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to School

These little girls survived the first day of school...and so did mommy. Sarah loves Kndergarten. For the first time, in years, Lizzy, actually, enjoyed the first day. They both came home with smiles. Lizzy made sure her little sister got on the right bus to go home. So cute how she looked after her. Time goes by so fast. I can't believe they're growing up. They'll be graduating before we know it. But, for now, we'll enjoy these precious moments, while we still can.

Today is RED week in Kindergarten. Each week, they focus on one color. Yesterday Sarah had to bring in something red, for show 'n tell. She chose one of my artificial roses to bring. On Wednesdays, the kids dress for that color. So, today, Sarah wore red. Isn't she just adorable???

Both girls are little cheerleaders, this year. I will have plenty of pics to post and scrap, as the season goes on. Within the next few weeks, we will also be starting our Girl Scout activities. There are always pics with them!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Ultimate Babysitter Survival Kit

Have a favorite babysitter and want to give the perfect gift? Here is the Ultimate Babysitter Survival Kit. Everything your babysitter needs to survive a long day, with your children! All good and bad, of course. You have to have an open-mind and sense of humor to appreciate this!

Crayon - to remind you to color yours and the children's day bright and colorful
Rubberband - to remind you to be flexible
Bandaid - heal hurt feelings, yours and theirs
Puzzle Piece - you are an important part of these children's lives
Paperclip - to hold it all together
Mounds Bar - to replace the "Mounds" of love you give your children
Starburst - to give you a "burst" of energy when you need it
Ear Plugs - when you just can't take anymore
Wiggly eyes - so you will have an extra pair in the back of your head
Rope - for when you get to the end of yours
Gum-Stick with it
Hugs and Kisses - because lots should always be shared

***Thank you for a fun summer!
Lizzy & Sarah Foster.