The alarm went off at 6:30 Friday morning. I'm nuts to get up that early on my vacation, but it was all worth it. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive to Charlotte, NC, coming from Anderson, SC. I went by myself. I got there easilly, with the help of the gps. I found a parking lot right across from the Convention Ctr. When I arrived I got my Vendor Faire pass. I used my $2 off, downloadable coupon and got my wrist band. I checked out the list of classes, and decided since I had plenty of time, I'd see what was still available. "Playful Pages" by Simple Scrapbooking had some room left and the price was reasonable.

My first stop was, of course, the Vendor Faire. I knew I had a couple of hours to kill before class, so why not shop? Isn't that what I was there for, anyway? I walked in and had to pick my chin up off the floor. This was my first, of any kind, scrapbook convention. I was in awe! It could've been disappointing to some pros and I wouldn't have known the difference. Scrapbook vendors all over the place, selling anything and everything. Wow! Yes, of course I took pictures. At first I felt silly. It was still early, and not many were walking around with cameras, just yet. But, heck, I knew I'd regret it, if I didn't.

I refrained from buying

Time went by fast! Next thing I knew it was time for class. I had to go up a few floors for the classroom.

We received our kits to work with and got to work, right away. Class was fast paced, but a lot of fun. We did the base of two layouts with instructions to add things later. We received a lot of different products to work with, with plenty left overs!
Here are the layouts I did. I added the title, journaling, and photos later.
This first one is, "Summer Vacation". The pp's by Scenic Route, Bookworks Mini Alpha & Number Series by EK Success, and Dill Blossom alpha stickers by SEI.
Words along the side read, "Waves, Sun, Sand, Beach, Lazy, Fun, Splash". We dotted some of our buttons with the Sakura White Souffle Pen.

Ok, this layout was supposed to be about family, but I kind of revised it, with the pictures I had in mind. It's called, "Animal Bonding". Products you see here are, Heidi Swapp ghost letters, BoBunnyPress Clowning Around & Pep Rally Stripe, Bazzill Cardstock, SEI stickers (again), 7gypies 97% Complete "family".
The journaling reads this,
"an-i-mal One of the, several, definitions of the word, "animal", from describes an animal as this, ~ "An in human person, brutish or beastlike person." The adjective is described as, "pertaining to the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of humans, rather than their spiritual or intellectual nature."
So, are these two animals? What do you think?"
Everything was included for the layouts, except the adhesive. Even though I had a hard time keeping up, it was fun, and I'd do it again!
After class, I saw
Donna Downey! I've never met a scrapbook celeb before. Although, I didn't meet Donna because the line was too long. I was hoping to see Alli Edwards, Becky Higgins, and more, but I'm honored to have Donna's photo!

After seeing Donna and getting over the shock, I found a "make 'n take" and made this fun little clipboard! Everything was included here. These kits were for sale, but I didn't buy one. This would be a great activity for kids, especially if you had your paper pre-cut. So fast, fun, and easy!

By now it was time to get back on the road. Charlotte is such a beautiful city, I couldn't leave without several pictures!

Ok, so what did I get while I was there???? That's the most important question! lol. I made out really well, considering I was on a budget. I found the Queen & Co. $1 bins, and some goodies for future Cheerleading layouts! I also found...STICKLES!

PS...If you're at a CKC, don't forget to stop by the Skinny Cow booth for a FREE Ice Cream! Sorry, no pics :( lol