Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it!!

I'm about to lose control and I think I like! lol

I'm gonna be published! Finally, my five minutes of fame! Woohoo! Thanks, to my dear friend, Anita, for giving me the push. I submitted a layout to , an on-line magazine dedicated to scrappers, like us! Within hours, I heard back and will be in the July issue. I did a layout about Reunions. I wish I could share it with you, but, I'm sorry to say, you'll just have to wait to see it. However, I highly recommend you check this mag out. There are some great ideas in there this month. You have to see these altered birdhouses...omg!

I do, however, have some layouts that I can, finally share with you. Layouts made from this months kit from EBB. Here are two layouts, for now. I have many others.

These kits are great and I still have so much product left to use. So here you go! Thanks for looking and have a great day!


Stacy said...

I love the mushroom paper. So cute. Great job on the LOs.

Rachel said...

Congratulations on getting yourself published!!! YAHOO!!!

Fantastic layout!!!!!!