Thursday, April 24, 2008

Photo A Day - April

So, it seems to be a hot topic on some mb's. A Photo A Day challenge. Some of the challenges are specific, like at EBB, and some not so, like at AMR. I've been participating in Tiff's challenge at EBB. Mostly because I like the different topics. It, started on the 13 of the month and is continuing to the end. Therefore, I will share what I have done, up until now and update as the month goes on.

1. Water

2. Angled Image

3. Grass (one of my favorites)

4. Buds (I had to be funny with this one)

5. Group of 3 (some of my favorite things)

6. Self-Portrait (ACK!)

7. Rocks

8. Animal

9. Any Image (This one, was actually taken in the Fall)

10. Bubbles (this was fun!)


Stay tuned for more P.A.D.'s


Corina said...

so cool! I tried the pic a day thing, but couldn't keep up with it. i like the idea of different subjects a day. May have to steal that from ya, LOL!

Anonymous said...

You ROCK!!!!!