Thursday, February 7, 2008

Let's get started, shall we?

What's a scrapbook blog without any projects to share? I'd like to post a project a day, but I know, in reality, that will be next to impossible. But I'll do as much as I can to keep interest. In the beginning I'll post some older projects that many of you may have already seen. But scrapbooking is one of those never ending hobbies, so there will be a lot of new goodies to share, as well.

I have, slowly, begun to go beyond my boundaries in the scrapbooking world. This whole blogging thing, being one of them. But, related to layouts...have you ever tried stitching on a layout? This is a first to me. Thanks to EBB Creations and they're amazing monthly kits. With the January kit, I received a couple of stitching templates. So, why not use them? I managed to stitch this bird during lunch hour, at work. Very simple with a template and relaxing and fun. I am far from a sewer, so this is the perfect way to ease into this, for me.

I'm not one for following the latest sb trends, just because it's what everyone else is doing. In I see a lot of birds and owl type things randomly placed on layouts even though it has nothing to do with the theme of the page. Yes, sometimes it looks nice, I'm not knocking it. It's just not me. So, I came up with this layout, so I can use this pretty bird. The template came with two birds, a small & large. I didn't want to take the time to do the smaller bird, too, lol. That is how I came up with the title for this one. As it turns out, it's one of my favorite layouts. I love the colors and the combinations of the papers.

"Sisters flock together"

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